As an angel's eye

Riferimento: 9791280630414

Editore: GDS
Autore: Soriga Antonello
In commercio dal: 19 Febbraio 2023
Pagine: 166 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791280630414
12,99 €


The characters in these tales are almost all reflected in the crystalclear sea of lower Sulcis, Sardinia. In doing so they look out into the cliff of time allowing it to see into them. Beyond the setting, the common thread that binds them is precisely this relationship, this confrontation directly or indirectly with the ineffable reflections of the relationship between space and time. Chronos is the engine of these tales, in its becoming a curve, a spiral that generates a universe, if you will a multiverse. The narrative, in fact tries to play with the junctions, the forks of life. It is in this way that the narratives often find themselves poised between the possible and the real. At times they seem to slide on a brittle ridge, where the contours of the concrete fray leaving room for the improbable ... yet still possible. On the other hand paraphrasing Nietzsche he who has a strong enough why ... can overcome any how.